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Passionate coder, and cycling enthusiast, who loves being with the family


I’m a software developer with +20 years of professional experience, currently I integrate a welcoming team of Coverflex, providing solutions with Elixir ecosystem, but I’ve worked a lot with Java, Kotlin, and JavaScript previously.

All my professional experience is based on my graduation in 2001 at the extinct UniverCidade and postgraduate courses of “Analysis, Design and Management Systems” and “Ergonomics, Usability and HCI: Ergodesign and Interfaces Assessment” at PUC-Rio.

One of the best parts of my profession is that you are continually specializing and seeking ways to improve and break challenges in various areas of human knowledge, this means that I’m always in a process of reconstruction.

When I’m not working, you can find me taking care of my family, cycling, watching a movie, listening to rock or podcast, reading a comic book or a book, be it technology or just a children’s book for my little babies.

I also push code quite often, and show off pictures from time to time.